🙋🏼‍♀️ You are pulled in a thousand directions

🙋🏼‍♀️ You often feel overwhelmed

🙋🏼‍♀️ Your life, home, and schedule are stuffed too full

🙋🏼‍♀️ Your time and health feels stretched too thin

🙋🏼‍♀️ You want to cultivate spiritual disciplines, but the most essential things in life, including time with God, often get pushed to the back burner as you try to keep up.


We get it... and it's time time to SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE!


Hint: This is why we created the Simplify Your Life Course!

During a series of QUICK (and fun!!) challenges, you will makeover several key areas of your life and create physical and mental space for what matters most


Ahhh. You can breathe easier already!



The Simplify Your Life Complete Kit includes:

Take Back Your Time: 10-Day Challenge

It doesn’t take long to figure out there will always be more to do than there’s time for. Figuring out what’s important and intentionally choosing the important over the urgent is a life skill we simply must learn if we’re going to live according to God’s priorities. WE must change, and it begins with how we view time.

If you are ready to take your time back, start with this 10-Day challenge!  EVERYTHING you need is in your Workbook Download!

{ Individually priced at $17 }

Declutter Your Space: 10-Day Challenge

Stuff.  We have it everywhere!  It accumulates before we know it and gains a foothold in our homes and our lives.  It doesn't just clutter our spaces, but it crowds our hearts so we lose track of our priorities.

In this mini-challenge, you'll get laser-focused on one space in your home, evaluate your stuff and make sure everything serves its purpose.

Are you ready to declutter your space? Let’s get started!  EVERYTHING you need is in your Workbook Download!

{ Individually priced at $17 }

Makeover Your Money: 10-Day Challenge

The Bible talks a lot about money and although we are not to trust in riches, we aren't to avoid money either.  Rather, we are to wisely use it to bless others and lay up treasures in heaven.

It's easy to get caught up in the cycle of work -> spend -> scale when we forget our opportunity to do ALL for the glory of God.  That includes every financial expenditure we make.

In this 10-day challenge, we will explore how we can view our checkbooks as a means to advance the Kingdom of God.

{ Individually priced at $17 }

Menu Magic: 10-Day Challenge

Whether you are feeding a family of twelve or it’s just you, we all need to eat.  Everyday.  And when we ignore the discipline of planning our menus and meals, we are not being good stewards of the gifts we have been given.

The Bible teaches us that “whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31).   When our goal is to glorify God in whatever we do, we are pleasing to him.  And this obedience is actually used by God to draw others to Him.

During this challenge, we are going to (very practically) break this process down and plan our meals for the next week or month… let's do this for the glory of God!

{ Individually priced at $17 }

In His Image: 10-Day Challenge

1 Cor 6:19-20 tells us we are not our own and were bought with a price!

If we're taking care of something valuable that doesn't belong to us, you’d better believe we would treat it with the utmost respect.  If you borrow someone else’s car, you drive a bit slower. If you visit someone else’s home with your kids, you're a bit more vigilant of their every move.

How then should we treat our bodies?  Christ paid for them with His life.  He has allowed us to stand before a holy God clean and pure because of His righteousness.  And He demands our worship in ALL things… including how we live and treat our bodies.

Let’s explore simple but powerful ways to do this in this challenge.

{ Individually priced at $17 }

Digital Detox: 10-Day Challenge

Like it or not, technology plays a significant role in our lives.  Digital tools such as cloud storage, apps, and video streaming can help streamline our lives; yet the limitless options can also rob us of much-needed rest and focus.  Smartphones, in particular, are shaping us in ways only history can accurately describe.

During the course of this challenge, we're going to hone in on our smartphone use and establish our own personal guidelines for maximizing its benefits.  Break free from smartphone mastery with this challenge!

{ Individually priced at $17 }

Putting God First: 10-Day Challenge

Spiritual disciplines are practices found in scripture that promote spiritual growth among believers in Christ.  Basically, these are habits that all Christians should strive to form as they mature in faith. These are biblical and very practical ways to train ourselves for godliness (1 Tim. 4:7-8).

There are several different lists and categories for these disciplines, but for this challenge, we are going to focus in on six.

You'll have verses to read, reflections to journal, a short spiritual inventory to take (be brutally honest with yourself in this… you do not have to share these with anyone), a suggested prayer and a small task to complete.

As you work through these, you'll discover where God is calling you to lean on Him for strength as you train for godliness.

{ Individually priced at $17 }


  • Printable PDF workbook for EACH 10-Day Challenge in full 8.5 x 11 inch size.
  • Printable PDF workbook for EACH 10-Day Challenge in Traveler's Notebook Size
  • Brief audio introduction to each challenge
  • Video introduction by Jen and/or AJ for each challenge
  • Lifetime access to your materials


Arabah Joy ( from arabahjoy.com) and Jen Evangelista (from graceincolor.com) both have decades of ministry experience. Collectively, we've adopted internationally, lived in 5 different countries, gone through medical school, put both our husbands through seminary, planted churches, worked as professionals, started our own businesses, served as military wives, and homeschooled kids. Whew, we make ourselves tired! Because of all this, we bring decades of both ministry and ahem, LIFE experience to all that we do... and we love doing life with you!

However, in our years of ministry experience as missionaries and pastor's wives, we've discovered that many Christian women aren't spending adequate time with God in His word. 

With our hearts burdened by this, we put together the Simplify Your Life Kit to address many of the common obstacles to spending adequate time with God, things like an over-stuffed schedule, a cluttered home, and out-of-control finances. The best thing is that the challenges in this kit are short and designed to pack a punch.

So check out the kit and dig into the area that trips you up the most! We can't wait to see you gain an hour or more each day for spending more time with God.


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